Wednesday, February 21

Remember Your Baptism

Matthew 21:25

John’s baptism—where did it come from? Was it from heaven, or of human origin?” They discussed it among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him?’

Jesus was questioned again and again but religious leaders. They wanted desperately to catch him in any lie or misinterpretation of the law so that they could have reason to arrest him. In this text they knew there was nothing that could say that would put them in a place of distrust by the people. Power is a tricky thing. The religious leaders, confident in their knowledge of God and the law, used their power to hold others accountable. And on occasion they might have abused that power. Now that their authority was being put in question because of the teachings of Jesus they were doing anything they could to try to gain back control. It can be easy to spot power hungry people and those who abuse the power they possess. When was the last time you considered the power you possess? When was the last time you considered how you use your power? Do you even think you have any power in this world? Think about the places and people that you have some authority over… Are you kind and compassionate? Are you clear with expectations? Are you using it to show others the grace of God?