Pastor's Blog

Somethings I think, I think...

Why Does God Want All Our Stuff?

Allan Brooks
November 10, 2021
Read Time:
3 min

We in the church talk about God and money. Then we wrap the church up in that discussion. We talk about giving to God because God has first given to us. We talk about a tithe or 10% of our income. “Is that before or after taxes?”  “Net or gross?”  We talk about God and money once every year as we try to sort out our relationship with God. We act as if we are a dysfunctional family who cannot communicate directly. We talk about God and money quietly, so no one gets upset. Again, dysfunctional at best. Are we dysfunctional? No. Yes. Maybe. Yes, when it comes to money, OK!

But we never ask the question; “Does God really need our money?”   “Why would God need our stuff?”  Well, that makes it awkward, doesn’t it? God doesn’t need our money or our stuff surely. Can’t God do whatever God wants to do? No God does not need our money or our stuff to accomplish what God wants to do. 

But, and this is where it gets really awkward, God need us. What? Yes, God needs US. Well, that is truly awkward. Actually, if we think about it in a dysfunctional way, if we think what God truly need is us, lets just give Him our stuff. Or our money. That is much easier.

God needs me. Why? “For God loved the world so much that He gave his Son.”  Oh. He gave His Son for us. Yes, that is how much He needs us. Wow! Pretty high price to pay for someone who does not even want to talk about money and God in the same breath. Way too high of a price for someone who thinks they not worth a dime most days. Too much to pay for someone who forgot to pray last night before they went to bed. 

God needs us because He loves us so much. How much do you need the people you love? Why a lot, right? Well, multiply that by one billion and you get an idea how much God needs us.

So, God needs us, and we come with money, so …….